Fedora 13 vs. Windows 7

Hello everybody,

We were taking a course about technical writing report in collage.

 And we had chosen to make a comparison between Fedora 13 and Windows 7 project.

We collected information from Internet and books. Also we have tested people by
giving them survy, and we made interview with an IT teacher.

I will not talk about the comparison here, but I give you slides for our slide presentation.

If you have any question,
please ask without hesitation :-)


Anonymous said…
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زاجل said…
Nice job Manar,

I didn't test the Fedora 13 thought I tested some other linux distributions ( SuSe, Ubuntu ).. I've even tested Mac FYI, but I could not move away from Windows. maybe if I wanted to move, I'll move to Mac OS, but I'll always keep Windows installed in a dual boot solution.

two short point I just want to point you about...
1) in the presentation, Windows does not include the Office suite, the later is sold seperately and as usual with Microsoft products. both Windows and Office are expensive !!...
there's other free/open source office suites available for Windows ( and for linux & mac too ), for example OpenOffice which I tested for a while...

2) one of the features I would like to have nativley in Windows is multi desktop spaces.. already found in linux distrubutions like fedora and ubuntu. but not in Windows. I have to use some other programs to have this feature.. which I didn't found any nice one I liked... the feature help you originize your workspace & desktop by hiding the running apps you don't use at the current moment.. for example if I'm working on a website then usually I have three seperated program groups: Design, Development & search...
in Design I may have photoshop, Illustrator and some explorer windows opened. in Dev. I may have Expression Web, PHP Expert Editor. and some explroer windows. in search I have the browser and some explorer windows + some pdf's... these are some 8+ windows and while working it's a mess !!... in Fedora and Ubuntu I can easly make desktop spaces for each of these categories so every thing is organized. in design only the desgin apps will be shown... not other distruption.. and same goes for Web development and search !!...

I dont' know why MS didn't add this wonderfull feature yet !!
Manna said…
zajel: so am I, I am using windows and can't move to linux or any other operating system. specially to linux, I used it many time in collage, to making other projects and at home, it has many many good features and applications. I feel like windows tried to copy some features to thier project. but some of them still monopoly by linux. however, people feels comfortable with windows more than any OS.

afterall, thanx alot for your special comment. it was a wonderful addition.
Anonymous said…
I really miss your writings.
A. Waheed
wes said…
your blog seems really interesting just like you manar ... good luck hun ;)
Manna said…
thanx wes for ur comment sweetii .. am really missed collage time... hope to see you soon :*

A. Waheed
what to do, i was very busy, and i am back again :D